Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Best Work Review Paragraph

What have you created that is your best work? Why is it your favorite? What was cool about it? Did you learn anything new? What did your classmates think?

     I think that my best work that I've done in this class is the DA logo and the back of the CD cover and my prom ticket it. My favorite, though, is the school logo. I feel like it has a bit of the old logo, but it's also a breath of fresh air. Also it has an actual don and not a conquistador. I do think I learned a lot of new things this year. I've learned about photoshop and about creating new things, and it has helped me a lot in my yearbook class. My classmates think it looks really classy and nice.

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Portfolio Plan

  1. Index -- On this page I'll describe what the website is about and put a mini about me and some pictures of things I like and my work and maybe put a link to my tumblr.
  2. About -- Write a letter to a future employer in two content-related paragraphs. Who are you? How do you plan to use this site? Explain the purpose of having a portfolio and how it will help you. What do you hope visitors to your site will learn about you as a future employee? Consider explaining some qualities that would make you ane excellent employee.
  3. Resume -- List the following for your resume:
    • Background Info: Gabriela Diaz,
    • Work Experience: Babysitting (kids and animals)
    • Volunteer Experience: Include any of the following
      • 2 years on Softball
      • Made Principal's List Every Year
      • Worked on Yearbook
    • Skills:
      • Software: In Design, Illustrator, Photoshop, HTML, Google Docs, Blogger and Microsoft Office, Typing Speed
      • Specialty Skills: Punctual, Organized, Good listener
    • Education: Will graduate in 2013, GPA: 3.8
    • At the bottom, write "References Available Upon Request" in bold and centered.
  4. Samples -- Include samples created in class. from each of the following software programs we have been learning in class: In Design, Illustrator, Photoshop, as well as one of the pages you coded in HTML. You will need to select one of each to display your best work.
    • Promotional Materials: Signs, Prom Tickets
    • Business Materials: Academy Newsletter, Academy Brochure, Matchings Set of Business Cards + Stationary + Envelop
    • Logos: your digital name, your graffiti name
    • Web Design: We will continue to work on developing this in Quarter 4, but you should already have the hand-coded HTML saved from your website in Quarter 2